Friday, April 9, 2010

We continue towards our goals

Lee's first year was very successful academically and personally. We both felt good about what we had achieved, and that the first year was over. One down,and two to go. We knew the second year would be more difficult to get through because Lee would be in New York City. His clinical assignment was at Elmhurst General Hospital in Queens. Truthfully, I dreaded the day he was leaving because we had anticipated long separation's. After all, we were used to the 60 mile trek every weekend, but now it was a distance of 325 miles one way. As it turned out the separation bothered Lee just as much as it did me. He made 50 trips home to be with us that year, and on Fridays everybody at work would start kidding me. Sometimes during periods away from each other it can really put a spark in your marriage. It was like a "honeymoon" every weekend. I always tried to fix a special dinner for us. Since our son was only 4 he usually went to bed early and we appreciated the time alone together. If I may insert a suggestion here, it is that married couples should continue to nurture, love and support each other all through their marriage. I am well aware that some people think that is a ridiculous idea, but you want your marriage to endure even through adversity, loss, financial difficulties, and problems with children.
Serious problems with children can sometimes be responsible for the demise of a marriage. Forgive me for getting off track again, but I felt that this information is important.
I will close for tonight. Have a wonderful weekend.

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